Another Know It All

by Chevelle

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 11:20 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


This Type Of Thinking (Could Do Us In)

Song Author

Pete Loeffler

Tabbed by



1st → Guitar
2nd → Bass
3rd → Supp. Guitar
4th → Vocals
5th → Drums
6th → Backing Vocals

File Size

102 KB




damn damn damn damn damn you're so dull still need to bor-row your hate change what they can per-suade us back un-der co-ver oh old you're so o-ver who made you king of the a-ges tend-ing the wounds think-ing of add-ing a-no-ther but the CHO-SEN ne-ver wrong he sat HOLD-ING seve-ral thoughts I'll take A-NY thing that's not bol-ted down bol-ted down tri tri tri tri trick-ing us in don't get a-long if they're bro-thers so phas-ing it out cor-rect-ing vi-sions with fists and draw-ing a line still give it less than a week check-ing the wounds think-ing of add-ing a-no-ther but the CHO-SEN ne-ver wrong he sat HOLD-ING seve-ral thoughts I'll take A-NY thing that's not bol-ted down bol-ted down free what's bol-ted down free what's bol-ted down free what's bol-ted down free what's bol-ted down THE CHO-SEN ne-ver wrong he sat HOLD-ING seve-ral thoughts I'll take A-NY thing that's not bol-ted down he was CHO-SEN ne-ver wrong he sat HOLD-ING seve-ral thoughts I'll take A-NY thing that's not bol-ted down bol-ted down


This song would've taken me much less time to tab out if it weren't so boring to tab. Lately I've been tabbing out songs that I can't stop listening to. Wasn't really hard to tab out at all. Didn't need to slow it down or look up live videos to see how they do it. The only thing I have to say is if you prefer to use MIDI then you might want to adjust a couple volume knobs here and there. Enjoy!